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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cari Tahu Tentang David Archuleta

11:20:00 AM

Hari ini David Archuleta akan manggung pertama kalinya di Indonesia. Pasti banyak remaja-remaja yang fans sekali dengan david datang meramaikan suasana. Dan tidak lepas juga pasti disana banyak juga orang-orang dewasa yang merasa masih remaja ingin cuci mata bukan untuk melihat david perform, tapi untuk melihat pengunjung.
Disana pasti akan banyak media, tv, majalah, juga radio, dan mereka pasti akan mencari pengunjung untuk diwawancarai. Tidak mau terlihat bodoh dan di cap "followers/ikutan2" atau di cap calo? Ga mau kan? Hafalkan fakta-fakta David Archuleta di bawah :ini, dijamin kamu akan di cap ketua FABDA (Fans Berat David Archuleta). =D

This is it, the facts of David Archuleta:

He was born in miami, florida but at a young age, moved to murray, Utah.

He won Star Search when he was about 12 years old.

He was runner up on season 7 on American Idol.

His first hit single...CRUSH..made it BIG on the charts! :)

He has 4 other siblings... he is the oldest.

Once suffered partial vocal paralysis but declined risky surgery and has said he feels he is almost fully recovered.

He plays the piano and some guitar.

He has a dog and a fish. His fish's name is conditioner.

He loves to run.

He likes water and pad thai aha.

He sings all the time.....even in conversation.

He likes purple and yellow.

He is left handed.

He hates chemistry.

He got a 4.0 in high school.

He has never dated/kissed anyone yet.

He is born on dec 28, 1990.

He is 168 cm.



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